MEANWHILE in the RISING SUN TRADE building: “”ZANNEN DESU, SHOGUN! I am sorry for my tardiness!!”” “”Your apology is accepted SOLARIS . . . Now, on to much more pressing matters . . . Those ‘heroes’ who unexpectedly showed at both our warehouses will undoubtedly be paying US a visit. This time we will be prepared! And then, they will all . . . “” “”Gotcha.”” “”SHOJIN?!”” “” . . . DIE!”” Seconds later: “”You never thought we’d TELEPORT into your H.Q. and grab YOU, did you? And don’t even think about escaping! That force field you’re in can withstand almost . . .”” FSTASH-K-K-K-K (forcefield shatters) “” . . . anything.”” Comes with 2 pages of cardboard cut outs
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