Giant no. 8 A compilation of three of the latest editions…
Menagerie (SKU2038a),
Would be world conquerors, ancient civilizations lost in the mists of the icy peaks, and an errand of mercy to get anyone into the holiday spirit. Throw in a compendium of villains and it’s a recipe for something new for Villains and Vigilantes, the Original Super Hero Role Play. Menagerie is a collection of short adventures designed for a group of heroes to play through in episode fashion. Written by Stewart and Steve Wieck and Illustrated by James Bishop.
Great Bridge 2 (SKU2038b),
Over twenty more of the most wanted villains from the files of Japan’s Department 88. Yet more archetypes from Japanese Manga and Anime for Villains and Vigilantes™ the Original Superhero Role Play.
Written by John P. Adams.
Illustrated by Yad Ming Mui.
and Rising Sun (SKU2038c)
Ancient feuds and environmental beatniks spell trouble in this exciting new adventure for Villains and Vigilantes™, the Original Superhero Role Play. What is the source of the mayhem causing the explosive situation at the Sino-American Chemical Company as new enemies await your heroes?
Written by Dominique Sumner and Illustrated by Joe Singleton.
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