Operation Morpheus is designed as a campaign introduction to an Aftermath! world. The setting is a major university in an important city. The players take the parts of people having volunteered to take part in a ‘short-term’ experiment in cryogenic suspension, only to awaken many long years after the planned time. They find the world in ruins and have no idea of the cause of, reans for, or history of this disaster. Naked and unarmed, they must face a strange new world. Cleverness and quick-thinking are the first steps in survival.
admin1 –
One of the best scenarios I’ve ever played in Aftermath! or in any game.
treber –
I have to agree with admin1. This Scenario is very well thought out, laid out and fleshed out!
The multiple groups that I have ran through this Scenario, have been totally different and flowed in totally unique directions! While most scenarios put the groups on a set path and tracks, this allows your groups to choose their fates.
If you are worried that you won’t be able to take the campaign further, the PCs can explore the entire University, which one of my campaigns has been running for years STILL hasn’t accomplished.
There is also a follow on Campaign for Sydney which is also extraordinary in it’s detail and plot lines.
You can’t go wrong with this Scenario if you’re looking for an Aftermath! game for your Gaming Groups!