This page contains items for download that may help with game playing and game mastering alike. There are free NPC villains, charts, maps, character sheets, supplements, game aids, and more!
Supplements for Villains and Vigilantes
Long ago, a single-cell from a great warrior was placed through a crucible of alchemical process and black art. Soon, a body formed, dark-skinned and fair. He grew quickly, trained by martial masters and cultists, recipient of knowledges long forgotten and bent to malign purpose.
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These places are found everywhere from small towns to large cities. Even if not a location for a planned part of an actual battle, they would be prime locations for information gathering when investigating mysterious events in any part of the country.
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Counters for C.H.E.S.S. armor, characters and vehicles.
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Counters for generic Fire Department characters and vehicles.
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Counters for generic Military characters and vehicles.
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Counters for generic Police and Emergency Response characters and vehicles.
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Counters for generic items found on a city street.
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The classic police station is the starting point for many heroes and the ending point for captured villains being brought to justice. While most of the actual battles may occur elsewhere, the heart of the story often takes place within the walls of the local police station.
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In the late 1920’s and early 1930’s the name of Brock Brannon was synonymous with the spirit of adventure. Larger than life, and with a streak of arrogance, Brock was always seeking to out-do contemporary rivals such as Frank Buck.
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Extra counters for Death Duel with the Destroyers.
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Located in one of the city’s wealthier districts, Diamante’s opened its doors in 1957 and quickly established itself as the place to go. With its elegant atmosphere and superb cuisine, the rich and famous were known to make a weekly visit to the restaurant.
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Extra counters for Dr. Apocalypse.
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This mapped location details a generic, modern era pawnshop that is stuffed with a wide array of items. Although most of the goods in this shop were pawned off, the store also peddles a great deal of junk that has been acquired from other sources, including numerous estate sale bargains.
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The woman who would become known as Jade Spider has a past that is truly shrouded in mystery. It is possible that at least part of her origin is that of a girl with gifted powers taken under the wing of a martial mystic in the hills of Siam.
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Mall Madness was originally created as an introductory scenario for either new players, or players with an adventure or two under their belts. It would allow for a bit of character development, as the PCs get to interact with members of their city’s various agencies, as well as members of the public.
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For the record, my real name is Lorelei Cavilier, and I’m smart. Really smart. I graduated first in my class at the Grand Rapids Institute of Technology with a Doctorate in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Engineering, when I was 17! No one wanted a 17-year-old girl working in their super secret lab… Whatever!
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Sharakti Zhul began life the son of a Aquin harlot in an ‘barbarian’ outpost. These Aquins had been outcasted for their worship of violence and practices of sacrificing captured prisoners in bloody rituals. Among them, he was considered a runt.
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This file is an excel spread sheet to help you keep track of NPC characters for your campaigns.
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This is a set of optional rules for Villians and Vigilantes that may be used at the game master’s discretion. One of the strengths of Villains and Vigilantes is the large number of open-ended powers in the rulebook.
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Pieter Jordaan was born the son of a wealthy businessman who owned a large South African fishing company. Much to everyone’s shock, after graduating from college, Pieter set out to explore the world’s oceans.
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A used bookstore offers a great deal of potential for the GM. Such a place could be a front for illegal or sinister activities, or it might be a friendly place where the heroes can stop in to gain possible clues about the ongoing activities of the city.
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Would you like to submit an adventure for consideration of publishing through Fantasy Games Unlimited? This form will show you how you need to set the submission up!
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This is a set of optional rules for Villains and Vigilantes that may be used at the game master’s discretion. Villains and Vigilantes is a game that works best when there is a trust level that the GM rules fairly. The game has several open mechanics that are left to the GM’s rulings.
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Truth Seeker Weekly News is a tabloid that focuses on both truth and fabricated stories of the sensationalistic variety. While in the real world a tabloid would be considered “fake”, the dynamics of a world with super powers, alien encounters, and paranormal activity….
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The flying saucer presented here is based upon hours of research, calculation, and careful conversion to the V&V system. While the vessel certainly does not represent the wide range of possible flying saucers in existence, it does provide the GM a good run of the mill spaceship.
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Gerbold Konnenstadt was an SS officer and in the upper echelon of the officers responsible for carrying out the final solution. He began his military career in the mid ‘30s as a highly intelligent and physically gifted officer candidate.
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